4.03.03 - Information management and information technologies


Special Issue on Decision Support to Address Multiple Ecosystem Services in Forest Management Planning

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO Unit 4.04.04—Sustainable Forest Management Scheduling, IUFRO Unit 4.03—Informatics, Modelling, and Statistics and IUFRO Unit 4.03.03. Information management and information technologies) is sponsoring this Special Issue of Forests (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests).

We welcome the submission of manuscripts for publication in this Forests special issue (SI). This SI aims at contributing to our understanding of how we can enhance forest management planning, in integrating a wide range of ecosystem services (ES) and assuring a sustainable supply (e.g. products and services listed in the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment). We welcome manuscripts that focus on 1) models to help forest managers check the impact of management options on the provision of ES, 2) methods to help forest managers develop plans targeting the supply of ES, 3) methods to help forest managers analyze tradeoffs between a multitude of ES, 4) methods to help forest managers assess the sensitivity of the supply of ecosystem services to uncertain parameters, 5) multiple criteria decision support systems and 6) approaches to map the demand for ES and the quality and quantity of ES supply.  Papers submitted for publication in this Special Issue will undergo a rigorous peer review process with the aim of prompt and wide dissemination of research results and applications.

More information at: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/special_issues/Decision_Support_to_Ecosystem_Services


ForestDSS Council Meeting

We will organize the annual ForestDSS Council meeting as a side event of the 125thIUFRO Anniversary Congress that takes place in Freiburg, Germany 18th-22nd of September 2017. The ForestDSS Council is constituted of those DSS experts that participate in the Annual meeting of the CoP. It is a temporary group which acts as a review panel for the activity of the whole CoP. Please consider your participation in this side event, it will be organized on Monday, 18.09.2017 from 20.00 - 21.30 CET (8.0 - 9.30 pm) in the room KG I - 1243.

The session “Decision Support Approaches in Adaptive Forest Management” (taking place on Monday 18.09.2017 from 8.00 to 11.30 in the Konzerthaus Freiburg (K2-4) is jointly organised by the CoP and the IUFRO units 4.04.00, 4.04.04, 4.04.06 and 4.03.03 will allow a larger number of CoP members to participate as the might travel to Freiburg as part of the All Division 4 Meeting anyway.