7.02.04 - Phytoplasma and virome of forest and urban trees


Special Issue of Forests: "Viruses in Forest and Urban Trees and Shrubs"

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 10 August 2021!

With Carmen Büttner and Risto Jalkanen of IUFRO WP 7.02.04 - Phytoplasma and virus diseases of forest trees as two of the six guest editors.

The guest editors welcome articles that deal with the identification and the characterization of known and novel viruses (single or as a virome) affecting woody host species. Suitable diagnostic tools for detection of plant viruses infecting these hosts can also be reported. Emphasis is given to viruses and virus complexes that affect host species which are important in forestry or urban greens, but virus diseases and disease complexes of trees and shrub species in general will also be considered.

Details: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/special_issues/Plant_Viruses_Forest