Publications and references
Unit 1.03.00
- ISTS-IUFRO Conference on Sustainable Resource Management for Climate Change Mitigation and Social Security; Chandigarh, India; 13-15 March 2014. Book of Abstracts
- Final International Public Conference on Short Rotation Forestry and Agroforestry: an Exchange of Experience between CDM Countries and Europe; Barolo (Torino) Italy; 20-22 June 2011. Link to on-line Proceedings (11.7 MB, PDF)
- Indian Journal of Ecology, volume 38, 256 pp. Special issue from IUFRO Symposium on Short-Rotation Forestry: Synergies for Wood Production and Environmenal Amelioration; Ludhiana, India; 10-12 February 2011. Link to on-line Proceedings (8.5 MB, PDF)
- Verma K. S, D.K. Khurana and Lars Christersson. 2005. Short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development. Proceedings of the IUFRO-ISTS-UHF International Conference on World Perspective on Short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development. ISTS, Nauni, Solan 173 230 (H.P) India.
- Christersson L and Verma K.S 2006. Short- rotation forestry- a complement to "conventional" forestry. Unasylva , 57(1): 34-39.
- Christersson L. 2006. Biomass production of intensively grown poplars in the southernmost part of Sweden: observations of characters, traits and growth potential. Biomass and Energy 30: 497-508.
- Verma K. S, Mishra V.K, Kaushal R.and Sharma J.K. 2005. Temporal changes in soil properties under high density energy plantation of Acacia mollissima and Eucalyptus hybrid pp. 99-106. In K. S verma, D.K. Khurana and Lars Christersson, eds. . Short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development. ISTS, Nauni, Solan 173 230 (H.P) India.
- Pathak P.S and Gupta S.K. 2005. Mini rotation Leucaena plantations for rural development and industry in India.pp 28-35. In K. S Verma, D.K. Khurana and Lars Christersson, eds. . Short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development. ISTS, Nauni, Solan 173 230 (H.P) India.
- Verwijst, T. 2001. Willows: an underestimated resource for environment and society. Forestry Chronical, 77(2): 281-285.
- Samra J.S. and Solanki K.R. 2005. Agroforestry for improved livelihood security. Pp8-20. . In K. S Verma, D.K. Khurana and Lars Christersson, eds. . Short Rotation Forestry for Industrial and Rural Development. ISTS, Nauni, Solan 173 230 (H.P) India.
- Aronsson P, Bergsrom L, Elowson S. 2000. Long-term influence of intensively cultured short-rotation willow coppice on nitrogen concentration in ground water. Journal of Environmental Management 58: 135-145.
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