Training Resources Centre
IUFRO-SPDC produces and markets training manuals and self-teaching materials to support forestry research in developing countries. Hard copies may be ordered from IUFRO-SPDC (schimpf(at), and, if ordered in small quantities, are free of charge for scientists from IUFRO Member Organizations in developing countries (we only charge postage costs).
Forest Landscape Restoration
IUFRO Occasional Paper No 33
"Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons learned in selected landscapes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America."
Stanturf J. A., Mansourian S., Darabant A., Kleine M., Kant P., Burns J., Agena A., Batkhuu N. O., Ferreira J., Foli E., Guerra A., Miah M. D., Ranjatson P., Sabogal C., Addo-Danso S. D., Badugu S., Brienza S., Chandel P. V., Chander S., Chandra S., Cujcuj B., Derero A., González O., Gutierrez B., Guuroh R. T., Hossain M. A., Juárez M. A., Kometter R., Lokesh J., López F. L., Pereira C., Rajendra K., Randrianasolo R., Razafimbelo N. T., Reddy M. C., Reddy G. C. S., Sharma D. S., Sukhbaatar G., Thakur S. K., Tavares P. A., Tewari V. P., Verma R. K., 2020.Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons learned from selected landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Occasional Paper No. 33. IUFRO. Vienna, Austria. 63 p
Pdf for download.
A Practitioner's Guide
This publication in the field of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) was published in two different languages, a third language version is coming up.
- The English edition "Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration - A Practitioner's Guide" was launched in June, 2017.
Stanturf, John; Mansourian, Stephanie; Kleine, Michael; eds. 2017. Implementing Forest Landscape Restoration, A Practitioner‘s Guide. International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC). Vienna, Austria. 128 p.
Download the electronic version of the Practitioner's Guide (in pdf format).
- The Spanish edition "Implementando la restoración del paisaje forestal - Una guía para practicantes" was launched in September, 2019.
Stanturf, John; Mansourian, Stephanie; Kleine, Michael; eds. 2017. Implementando la Restauración del Paisaje Forestal, Una Guía para Practicantes. Traducción: Marianela Argüello L. y Róger Villalobos. Unión Internacional de Organizaciones de Investigación Forestal, Programa Especial para el Desarrollo de Capacidades (IUFRO-SPDC). Viena, Austria. 132 p.
Download the electronic version of the "guía para practicantes" (in pdf format).
- The French edition "Mise en oeuvre de la restauration des paysages forestiers - Un guide à l’intention des praticiens"was launched in October, 2020.
Stanturf, John ; Mansourian, Stephanie ; Kleine, Michael ; éds. 2017. Mise en œuvre de la restauration des paysages forestiers, un guide à l’intention des praticiens. Traduction : Fanja Andriamialisoa.Union internationale des organisations de recherche forestière, Programme spécial pour le développement des capacités (IUFRO-SPDC).Vienne, Autriche. 136 p.
Download the electronic version of the "guide à l'intention des praticiens" (in pdf format).
- New editions are available! Download them here (in pdf format):
Edition in Sinhala
Edition in Tamil
Edition in Russian
Further Reading
Discover case studies, presentations, reports and publications on forest landscape restoration from a series of international knowledge sharing events. Available online only.
Public Relations
- Communicating Forest Science, Editors: Cynthia L. Miner, Yasmeen Sands, Hugo Pierre;
IUFRO Communications & Public Relations Working Party and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC).
Vienna, Austria. 2014, 185 p.
Download the electronic version of the Manual (in pdf format).
- Public Relations for Forest Science, Editors: Daniela Kleinschmit and Max Krott, IUFRO Task Force for Public Relations and IUFRO-SPDC, 2005-208p.
For all those who are not from a developing or economically disadvantaged country the price per hard copy is €25 plus postage costs.
Download the electronic version of the Manual (in pdf-format).
Proposal Writing
- A Manual for Grant Writing and Proposal Development (2000): "Handbook for Preparing and Writing Research Proposals"
C.P. Reid. Vienna, Austria, IUFRO Special Programme for Developing Countries, 2000-164 p.
- the French translation (2001)
"Manuel pour la préparation et la rédaction de propositions de recherche", C.P. Reid, 2002-158 p.
- the Spanish translation (2005)
"Manual para la Preparación y Redacción de Propuestas de Investigación", C.P. Reid, 2005-160 páginas
Managing Forest Research
- A Course in Research Management (1993): "A Self-learning Course: Planning and Managing Forestry Research"