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1.05.00 - Uneven-aged silviculture


Call for Submissions

After a successful conference on "Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global change", organized by Research Groups 1.05.00 and 1.09.00, the European Journal of Forest Research has agreed to publish a "special section" for the meeting, titled "Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global change." Given interest in this topic, the journal editors have decided to make this special section open to manuscript submissions from anyone interested and conducting research on the topic (the special section is not restricted to scientists who presented at the conference).

When submitting manuscripts for this special section you will need to use the normal submission process and then indicate the manuscript belongs to the collection titled: Uneven-aged silviculture: insights into forest adaptation in times of global change.

Deadline for submission of manuscripts:  extended to 30 September 2024

Journal website:
Information on the Special Section:


Hot off the press: Virtual Issue on Uneven-Aged Forestry

Kevin O'Hara; Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research.

One of the biggest changes to forestry in recent decades is the resurgence and rapid development of uneven-aged silvicultural systems. This area of forestry is also called selection, continuous cover, multiaged, close-to-nature, and many other names. Scanning the papers in the journal Forestry related to uneven-aged forestry is a tour through this development. Indeed, many papers have described the history of uneven-aged forestry in different regions or the history of certain approaches (e.g. Adamic et al., 2017). Much of the central role of Forestry in this history has been through publication of special issues of papers from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group (IUFRO 1.05). Beginning in 2002, Forestry published a special issue from the IUFRO meeting in Zurich, Switzerland. Since then, three other issues of the journal have featured research on topics related to uneven-aged forestry from IUFRO meetings.


11th IUFRO Workshop on Uneven-aged silviculture: challenges for increasing adaptability

Valdivia, Chile; 12-18 November 2018.

Uneven-aged silviculture is attracting increased interest due to its positive effects upon carbon sequestration, biodiversity, landscapes, and in its ability to provide a range of goods and services from managed forest ecosystems. However, future uncertainties such as climate change, new pests and diseases and differing societal demands from forests pose a challenge to the adaptability of forest ecosystems. The central question we will explore at this meeting is: Do uneven-aged forests have better options for adaptation to these future changes? In this 11th IUFRO Conference on Uneven-aged Silviculture we expect to deal with the social, cultural, environmental and economic challenges for the implementation of uneven-aged forests in different biomes. For the first time this IUFRO Conference on Uneven-age Silviculture will be held in South America. Its location, in the midst of the Valdivian Temperate Rainforests of Chile and Argentina, is a wonderful place to host the meeting because of its social-ecological context and the diversity and productivity of the forests. We hope to attract a wide range of attendees covering a broad range of scientific disciplines.



The Science and the Art of Uneven-aged Silviculture

Little Rock, Arkansas, USA – 31 May-2 June 2016. Full details of this meeting can be found at

The deadline for the presentation of papers has now passed but if you are interested in attending this meeting and presenting a poster please send the following information to  All submissions should be sent as .doc or .txt files. Read: