Activities and events
Unit 4.01.00
From/To | Units | Title | Location | |
2024-10-14 2024-10-18 |
IX Congreso Chileno de Ciencias Forestales: "Descubriendo, aceptando desafíos, y cultivando sostenibilidad" | Valdivia, Chile | ||
Contact: Marco Contreras, Email: |
Upcoming IUFRO meetings
- IX Congreso Chileno de Ciencias Forestales: "Descubriendo, aceptando desafíos, y cultivando sostenibilidad". Valdivia, Chile; 14-18 October 2024. Units involved: 3.01.00, 3.02.00, 4.01.00, 4.02.00. Congress website
Past Meetings
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Assessment of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Community Resource ManagementAreas in the Northern Savanna Zone"; online; 24 October 2023, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Speaker: Dr. Stella Britwum Acquah, Senior Research Scientist, CSIR-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana. Report
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Small area estimation in forest inventories, what to do when sample sizes become small"; online; 24 May 2023, 8:05-9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Speakers: Dr. Francisco Mauro, Research Associate, University of Valladolid, Spain, and Dr. Bryce Frank, Oregon/Washington State Biometrician, United States Bureau of Land Management. Report
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Modelling mixtures and uneven-aged forests: From pattern to process to application"; online; 25 April 2023, 15:05 – 16:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Join Dr. David Forrester, Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO, Australia, when he talks about modelling species mixtures and uneven-aged forests. Report
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Tree species growth of oak and pine in mixture - a dynamic sensitive equilibrium"; online; 28 March 2023, 8:05-9:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT). Speaker: Dr. Sonja Vospernik, Associate Professor at BOKU, University of Natural Resources, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of Forest Growth. Report
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Measuring biomass and carbon stock in forests of southwestern Amazonia: from science generation to dissemination"; online; 28 February 2023, 7:05-8:00 am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Speaker: Dr. Sabina Cerruto Ribeiro, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Acre, Brazil. Report
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": "Modeling allometric relationships for Caribbean trees using a mixed-effects random forest algorithm"; online; 26 January 2023, 8:05-9:00 am Pacific Standard time (PST). Speakers: Dr. Sheng-I Yang, Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, and Dr. Thomas Brandeis, Research Forester with the Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service. Report
- 2nd North American Mensurationists Conference; Portland, Oregon, USA; 11-14 December 2022. IUFRO Units involved: 4.01.00, 4.03.00. Conference homepage
- Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Field Study on Critical Height Sampling and Its Antithetic Variants; online; 28 November 2022, 10:05-11:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST). Speaker: Dr. Tzeng Yih Lam, Associate Professor, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University.
Report - Webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Effects of multicollinearity in model-based inference; online; 24 October 2022, 6:05-7:00 Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
Speaker: Dr. Svetlana Saarela, Researcher in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
- Webinar Series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Growth and yield modeling of fast-grown intensively-managed forest plantations in Chile: A long term collaborative research effort; online; 27 September 2022, 6:05-7:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
Speaker: Dr. Guillermo Trincado, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Forest Science and Natural Resources at the Universidad Austral de Chile.
- Webinar Series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Modelling growth of natural forests with scarce data: challenges and a proposal; online; 19 July 2022, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
Speaker: Dr. Christian Salas, Professor at the Centre for Ecosystem Modelling and Monitoring at the Universidad Mayor, Chile.
- Webinar Series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Building your single-tree simulator in R with SiTree; online; 30 May 2022, 8:30-9:30 am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Speaker: Dr. Clara Antón Fernández, Research Scientist with the Division of Forest and Forest Resources, NIBIO (Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research), Norway
- Webinar Series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Forest carbon modelling: challenges and examples from Canada; online; 27 April 2022, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Speaker: Dr. Céline Boisvenue, Research Scientist with the Canadian Forest Service
- Webinar Series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats": Resilient and resistant urban forests: Adventures in statistical modeling of forest structure and response to disturbance; online; 30 March 2022, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Speaker: Dr. Christina Staudhammer, Professor at the University of Alabama
- Webinar: Our favorite parts of the book - previously unpublished material, new research ideas, and things learned during writing; online; 23 February 2022, 9:05-10:00 am Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Speakers: Lauri Mehtätalo and Juha Lappi, Natural Resources Institute, Finland
- 2021 Western Mensurationists Meeting - Monday morning session on "Linking growth models with remote sensing data"; online; 20-22 June 2021. Units involved: 4.01.00, 4.01.02. Conference homepage - Report
- Forest Biometrics and Modeling Research: Past Successes, Current Challenges and Future Prospects; Blacksburg, Virginia, USA; 28-30 October 2018. Conference homepage - Conference announcement and Call for papers
- New Frontiers in Forecasting Forests 2018; Stellenbosch, South Africa; 25-27 September 2018. IUFRO Units involved: 4.01.00, 4.02.07, 4.03.00, 4.04.02, 5.01.04. Conference homepage - Report
- International Conference on Sustainable Forest Management Adapting to Climate Change; Beijing, China; 13-16 October 2012. 1st announcement - 2nd announcement
- SilviLaser 2012 - 12th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for Assessing Forest Ecosystems; Vancouver, Canada; 16-19 September 2012. Units involved: 4.00.00, 4.01.00, 4.03.00. Conference homepage
- ForestSAT 2012: "Promoting science-based applications of remote sensing and other spatial data in forested systems";Corvallis, Oregon, United States; 11-14 September 2012; Conference homepage
- Global change and Mediterranean pines: alternatives for management/Cambio global y pinos mediterráneos: alternativas para los gestores; Palencia, Spain; 10-12 February 2010. Units 1.01.10, 2.02.13, 4.01.00. First announcement - Second announcement - Third announcement - Poster - Summary - Meeting Evaluation
- Meeting multiple demands for forest information: New technologies in forest data gathering; Mount Gambier, Australia; 17-20 August 2009. Units involved: 4.01.00, 4.02.03, 6.15.00, 3.01.00. Conference homepage
- Extending forest inventory and monitoring, over space and time; Quebec City, Canada; 19-22 May 2009. Units involved: 4.00.00, 4.01.00, 4.02.00, 4.02.05, 4.03.00. Conference homepage
- 4.01.02: Complex Stand Structures and Associated Dynamics: measurement indices and modeling approaches; 29 July - 2 August 2007; Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. Conference homepage
Send comments to Arne Pommerening (Coordinator)