Publications and references
Unit 8.02.03
Webinar: Humusica 2022 - Soil and Climate Warming
online, hosted by University of Padua;
23 June 2022, 14.30 -17.00 / 24 June 2022, 14.00 -17.00 / 25 June 2022, 10.30 -16.30.
Video recordings of talks in sessions
23 June 2022 - Extreme research for extreme remedies?
- Augusto Zanella: Introduction day 1;
- Carlos E. Wetzel: The neglected component -> on the use of terrestrial diatoms to access soil conditions;
- Andrea Squartini: Bacteria -> evolution in extreme conditions;
- Massimo Pindo: DNA in soil investigations -> problems and future horizons;
- Valeria Lencioni: Larvae that live at the limit of the possible for life on Earth -> what do they eat?;
- Roberto Guidetti: Tardigrades in soil -> toughest animals of the Earth vs global warming;
- Michele Bertelle: Ledge soils in the Alps -> structure and characteristics;
- Koya Kobayashi: Japanese volcanic soils -> physical and chemical characteristics of O and A horizons;
- Silvio Carollo: It is time to act -> must the change necessarily generate in each single consciousness?;
- Silvia Chersich: What is the soil? -> The non-scientists’ opinions;
- Humusica 2022 Soil, Society and Climate Warming - Discussion Day 1: What's soil?;
24 June 2022 - Are humans so unscientific in planet exploitation?
- Augusto Zanella: introduction day 2;
- Augusto Zanella: DDT -> Is not just a poison;
- Adriano Sofo: Sustainable Fruit Production in the Face of Climate Change;
- Fernando Cesario: Linking above-ground and forest floor properties reveal pathways of soil carbon storage;
- Giacomo Mei: Forests biodiversity -> Is there a relationship between forest management and soil biodiversity?
- Claudio Porrini and Lucia Lenzi: Environmental investigations with bees -> How to use these insects as bioindicators?
- Ines Fritz: Eating healthy -> do plants and plant based food reflect the status of the agricultural soil?
- Jean-Christophe Lata: Future Agriculture -> biodiversity or agriculture?
- Valentina Grossuele: Exotic species and compostage-> What about using them to make proteins?
- Francesca Visentin Farm animals -> source of GHG emissions or part of the solution?
- Herbert Hager: Mitigating Climate Change -> have we considered everything?
- Humusica 2022 Soil, Society and Climate Warming - Discussion Day 2;
25 June 2022 - To continue believing that we will make it
- Augusto Zanella: DDT -> Is not just a poison;
- Lucas Ilhein: Search for the collective consciousness of inhabiting a common planet -> Australian experiences;
- Allan Yeomans: Australia-> This Is How We End Climate Change;
- Nathalie Cools: European wide distribution of the humus systems -> do we see any change within the long-term forest monitoring programme of ICP Forests?
- Elina Zakharchenko: Ukraine -> This Is How We Face Climate Change;
- Augusto Zanella: Soil organic carbon -> Is there a relationship between SOC and biodiversity?
- Lingzi Mo: Soil microorganisms biodiversity -> Is there a difference between anthropic and natural environments?
- Giulia Ranzani: Plants distribution -> natural Caleri and anthropic Albarella vegetation structure;
- Lucia Lenzi and Claudio Porrini: Environmental investigations with bees -> Albarella case study;
- Giuditta Marchetti: Management of the fallow deer population -> are there any repercussions on CO2 emissions?
- Cristian Bolzonella: Albarella -> A miniature model of the planet Earth?
- Daniele Mozzato: Alba experience -> Real costs of the most favourable scenario;
Webinar: Humusica 2021 – Soil: biodiversity and management - Practical tools and actions for facing the future
online, hosted by University of Padua;
24 June 2021, 14:30-17:00, and 25 June 2021, 14:00-17:00.
Video recordings of talks in sessions
24 June 2021 - Top Soil Classification: Is there a wise way to use the soil?
- Augusto Zanella: Outlook;
- Renée-Claire Le Bayon: Humusica project and general topsoil classification -> Main outcomes;
- Dylan Tatti: Focus on Agricultural topsoil -> Challenges and Switzerland field practice;
- Eleonora Bonifacio: Forest topsoil classification -> Difficulties, mandatory knowledge, outcomes;
- Silvia Stanchi: Forest topsoil, fractal observation and field survey -> Practice and results;
- Fernando Cesario: Tropical forest -> relationships between humus forms and ecosystem functioning;
- Anna Schrötter: TerrHum -> Lessons learned from the application of the Humus key;
- Final discussion of 24 June session;
25 June 2021 - Soil and Biodiversity: Is soil biodiversity really that important?
- Augusto Zanella: TerrHum -> How does it work? Step by step key and classification issues;
- Adriano Sofo: Topsoil biodiversity and soil functioning -> crucial outcomes;
- Lingzi Mo: Topsoil biodiversity in natural and anthropized ecosystems -> achievements and expected results;
- Cristina Menta: Soil fauna diversity -> effective tool for detecting soil health;
- Giacomo Mei: The loss of biodiversity is paved with good intentions -> the case of the European Hornbeam forests;
- Judith Schaufler: Humus succession after forest fire;
- Ines Fritz: Functional and non-functional soil organic matter;
25 June 2021 - Soil and Vegetation: Are there practical research outcomes that should be considered for facing the future?
- Flavia R. C. Costa: Soil data -> species range dynamics under climate change;
- Damien Banas: Water pollution -> the long run of a soil water solution;
- Jean-Christophe Lata: Agricultural management -> response of soil microbial community to water-stress;
- Stephane Bazot: Outcomes of recent researches in French forest ecosystems -> microorganisms and nutrients cycle;
- Klaus Katzensteiner: Thin skin -> Humus dynamics after disturbance - processes/management;
- Cristian Bolzonella: Never forget the economic aspects -> The consistence of the vegetation-soil mitigation in the real Zero carbon emission balance of an Italian island;
- Final discussion of 25 June sessions;
HUMUSICA Project - Work in Progress
Humusica project in ResearchGate:
- Humusica 3: 3rd Special Issue of Applied Soil Ecology just now under publication (74 articles: short reviews, field tools, examples of classification, new researches…). Here some (4) of them (we will add the others as soon as published and free downloadable):
HUMUSICA Project - Publications
- HUMUSICA PROJECT (presentation, meetings, results):
New (May 2018): Humusica: Soil biodiversity and global change. Augusto Zanella, Judith Ascher-Jenull, Jean-François Ponge, Cristian Bolzonella, Damien Banas, Maria De Nobili, Silvia Fusaro, Luca Sella, Raffaello Giannini. Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series, No. 14 (2018): 15–36.
HUMUSICA 1 (Terrestrial Humus systems = not submersed forest topsoils) :
Humusica 1, Article 1: Essential bases - Vocabulary
Humusica 1, Article 2: Essential bases - Functional considerations.
Humusica 1, Article 3: Essential bases – Quick look at the classification
Humusica 1, Article 4: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Specific terms and diagnostic horizons.
Humusica 1, Article 5: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Keys of classification of humus systems and forms.
Humusica 1, Article 6: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Hydro intergrades.
Humusica 1, Article 7: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Field practice and sampling problems.
Humusica 1, Article 8: Terrestrial humus systems and forms – Biological activity and soil aggregates, space-time dynamics. - HUMUSICA 2 (Histic, Para, Techno and Agro Humus systems) :
Humusica 2, Article 9: Histic humus systems and forms – Specific terms, diagnostic horizons and overview
Humusica 2, Article 10: Histic humus systems and forms – Key of classification
Humusica 2, Article 11: Histic humus systems and forms – Epihisto intergrades and dynamics
Humusica 2, Article 12: Aqueous humipedons – Tidal and Subtidal humus systems and forms
Humusica 2, article 13: Para humus systems and forms
Humusica 2, Article 14: Anthropogenic soils and humus systems, comparing classification systems
Humusica 2, Article 15: Agro humus systems and forms
Humusica 2, article 16: Techno humus systems and recycling of waste
Humusica 2, Article 19: Techno humus systems and Global Change - Conservation Agriculture and 4/1000 proposal
Past publications
- Zanella A., Jabiol B., Ponge J.F., Sartori G., De Waal R., Van Delft B., Graefe U., Cools N., Katzensteiner K., Hager H., Englisch M., Brethes A., Broll G., Gobat J.M., Brun J.J., Milbert G., Kolb E, Wolf U., Frizzera L., Galvan P., Kolli R., Baritz R., Kemmers R., Vacca A., Serra G., Banas D., Garlato A., Chersich S., Klimo E. & Langohr R. (2011). European Humus Forms Reference Base. 56 p.
- Zanella A., Jabiol B., Ponge J.F., Sartori G., De Waal R., Van Delft B., Graefe U., Cools N, Katzensteiner K., Hager H., Englisch M., Brethes A., Broll G., Gobat J.M., Brun J.J., Milbert G., Kolb E, Wolf U., Frizzera L., Galvan P., Kolli R., Baritz R., Kemmers R., Vacca A., Serra G., Banas D., Garlato A., Chersich S., Klimo E. & Langohr R. (2010). Humus Form ERB 2010. A European Reference Base for humus forms: proposal for a morpho-functional classification. 51 p.
- Kolli R. (2010). Euroopa Huumusvormide Klassifikasiooni Väljatőőtamisest . About elaboration of European humus forms’ classification. Agronoomia 2010-2011: 37-44.
- Ponge J.F, Zanella A., Sartoli G, Jabiol B. (2010). Terrestrial Humus Forms: Ecological Relevance and Classification. In: S. Jefferey, C. Gardi, A. Jones, L. Montanarella, L. Marmo, L. Miko, K. Ritz, G. Peres, J. Rombke and W.H. Van Der Putten EDS. European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity. (pp. 14-15). ISBN: 978-92-79-15806-3. doi:10.2788/942222995 Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union (Luxembourg). European Commission, catalogue number LB-NA-24375-EN-C..
- Zanella A., Jabiol B, Ponge J.-F, Sartoli G, De Waal R, Van Delft B, Graefe U, Cools N, Katzensteiner K, Hager H, Englisch M, Brethes A (2009). Toward a European humus forms reference base. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, vol. 85: 145-151, ISSN: 2035-7699.
- Zanella A., Englisch M., Jabiol B., Katzensteiner K., Delft Van B., Hager H., Waal De R., Graefe U., Brun J.-J., Chersich S., Broll G., Kolb E., Baier R., Baritz R., Langhor R., Cools N., Wresowar M., Milbert G., Ponge J.-F. (2006). Towards a common humus forms classification. The point in Europe: few top soil references as functioning systems. (Humus forms: integration of living ecosystems). 18th Congress of Soil Science, Philadelphia, July 9-15 2006, Poster.
- Englisch M., Katzensteiner K., Hager H., Jabiol B., Zanella A., Waal R.W. de (2005): A European Classification of Terrestrial Humus Forms - 1st Approach.
In: Soil Indicators: Annual meeting of the Austrian Soil Science Society 12th and 13th May 2005, Ljubljana; Programme; Book of Abstracts: 22 p. - Jabiol B., Zanella A., Englisch M., Hager H., Katzensteiner K., Waal R.W. De. (2004). Towards a European classification of forest humus forms. Eurosoil - Freiburg. September 4-12. Symposium 09 - Forest soil Monday 6th: 9.30-9.50 http:/
Home page of the Humus research group:
Links to other information resources
- Humus research group:
- European Humus: