SAP - IUFRO 2023 Latin American Conference "Sustainable Landscape Management: the role of forests, trees, agroforestry and their interactions with agriculture"
IUFRO-SPDC invites interested forest scientists from economically disadvantaged regions primarily of Latin America and the Caribbean, as funding allows also of Africa and Asia, to apply for support to participate in the
IUFRO 2023 Latin American Conference
"Sustainable Landscape Management: the role of forests, trees, agroforestry and their interactions with agriculture"
Curitiba, Brazil, 17 to 19 October 2023
The eligibility criteria for the Scientist Assistance Programme for IUFRO Event Participation can be found here:
In order to apply for the programme, please fill in this application form:
Kindly express your interest for the SAP for IUFRO Event Participation latest by the 4th of August 2023.