2.08.02 - Improvement and culture of nitrogen-fixing trees
Hot off the Press: Proceedings from Casuarina Workshop
Sixth International Casuarina Workshop: Casuarinas for green economy and environmental sustainability;
Krabi, Thailand; 21-25 October 2019.
Units involved: 2.08.02, Task Force Forest Biomass Network.
The substantial socio-economic importance of casuarinas (several members of the family Casuarinaceae) has ensured ongoing international interest in research and development of this group of nitrogen fixing trees. Plantings are invariably associated with agricultural systems and there are more than two million hectares planted in the tropics and sub-tropics, offering stability to fragile sandy coastal ecosystems and offering services of protection, soil organic matter, poles, fuelwood and commercial wood fibre.
Following the previous five international casuarina meetings, the most recent one in Chennai, India in 2014, Kasetsart University hosted the Sixth International Casuarina Workshop in Krabi province, Thailand during 21-25 October 2019 in collaboration with the IUFRO Working Party 2.08.02 – Improvement and Culture of Nitrogen Fixing Trees, and the IUFRO Taskforce – Forest Biomass Network. The theme of this sixth workshop, Casuarinas for Green Economy and Environmental Sustainability, reflects in the current relevance of casuarina trees in the world.
To be downloaded from: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/publications/proceedings-archive/20802-t30-bangkok19.pdf
NFT News 15 - Call for Contributions
We are inviting contributions for the next issue of the NFT News on or before 31st May 2018. Contributions may focus on activities that highlight research, promotion and development of nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs. The newsletter will also carry announcements on new information resources, useful websites, and upcoming relevant events. Contributors to the newsletter may be written in a simple and reader-friendly language to interest a diverse audience. They should contain new information and not a concise version of an article published already. Please limit your contributions to 1000 to 1500 words in a Word file. Inclusion of good-quality photographs (scanned at 300 dpi) is encouraged. Photographs, graphs and other illustrations may please be sent as separate files. Contributions may be sent to any member of the Editorial Team with a copy to nicodemus_a@rediffmail.com.
Further details on the Editorial Team: http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20800/20802/publications/
NFT News 13 & 14 - Call for Contributions
The NFT Working Party has been publishing the NFT News which provides a platform for members to share their recent research findings and as a source of information on scientific meetings and recent literature published on nitrogen fixing trees and shrubs. So far 12 issues have been published since 1998. It is proposed to bring out the combined 13th and 14th issues of NFT News during July 2017. The newsletter will be hosted in the website of IUFRO. We are inviting contributions for the forthcoming issue of the NFT News on or before 31st May 2017.
Details: http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20800/20802/publications/
Latest NFT News now available
NFT News Vol.12 - August 2015 is hot off the press! Read about the latest research on nitrogen-fixing trees, meeting announcements and other valuable information in this latest issue of the NFT newsletter! Download from: http://www.iufro.org/download/file/21846/1117/20802-nft-news-12_pdf/