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Publications and references

For colleagues having an interest to participate in the work of the Unit, a limited amount of  two volumes of Silva Carelica (see State of Knowledge) are available from Olli Saastamoinen (olli.saastamoinen(at)


Irland , L. C. 2007. Professional Ethics for Natural Resource and Environmental Managers: A Primer. Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Publication Series.  210 p.

Downloadable PDFs of individual chapters are available at no charge at the website  of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Printed copies can be ordered at the same website.

Saastamoinen, O. 2008. Forest Ethics. In: Forests and Forestry in the Americas: An Encyclopedia. A web-based encyclopedia sponsored by  the Society  of American Foresters and the International Society of Tropical Foresters.  (under Forest Policies and Administration).