Activities and events
Unit 9.05.07
No upcoming meetings found for Unit 9.05.07.
Past IUFRO meetings
- Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe; Bonn, Germany; 26-28 February 2020; Units involved: 9.00.00, 9.05.07. Conference homepage - Flyer - Report
- IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress; Freiburg, Germany; Session: Advanced approaches for a better understanding of scientific knowledge transfer for interconnecting forest-related policies, science and people; Monday, 18 September 2017.
This sub-session is part of the session: In the woods of transdisciplinarity: Forest science between 'research for the sector' and a new wave of 'transdisciplinarity'.
Contributions to the sub session are:
- Advanced approaches for a better understanding of scientific knowledge transfer for interconnecting forest-related policies, science and people – an introduction, Michael Böcher, Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg, Germany
- Applying the RIU-model of knowledge transfer in practice: Experiences from the EU-project ALTERFOR, Nataly Jürges/Max Krott, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
- How do we conduct forest-related research in ways that enhance its impact on policy and practice? David Edwards, Forest Research, Roslin, UK
- An Empirical Evaluation of Knowledge Translation in Policy-Relevant Forestry Research, Bethany Davies, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.
- Informational Barriers to Effective Policy-Public Communication: A Case Study of the Forest Stewardship Council Carbon Footprint Procedure, Jesse Cruz, FSC, Bonn, Germany
- IUFRO World Congress 2014: Session 136: The knowledge that counts – analyzing science policy interactions in forest policy - Call for Papers
- Interdisciplinary Workshop: Perspectives on Forest Conservation – tackling the frontier between policy and conservation science; Freiburg, Germany; 19-21 June 2013. Call for Papers - Programme