News Online
IUFRO News Vol. 38, Issue 1, Jan. 2009
The major topics of this first issue of 2009 are: adaptation of forests to climate change; challenges and expectations for forestry extension and technology transfer; and current 5-needle pine research.The first issue of 2009 informs about the cross-cutting session on “Adaptation of forests to climate change – Bridging the gap between knowledge and action” that IUFRO organized together with CIFOR, ICRAF and the World Bank at Forest Day 2 in the course of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland. There are also reports about a forestry extension symposium in Canada and a conference on 5-needle pine research in Korea. The upcoming IUFRO-SPDC Training Workshop on Working Effectively at the Interface of Forest Science and Forest Policy in India and the forest-related sessions at the international congress on "Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions" in Denmark are also highlighted, amongst other things.
- Files:
- news09-1.pdf3.93 Mi
- news09-1.doc152 Ki