News Online
IUFRO News Vol. 38, Issue 3, March 2009
Besides a workshop report on the collection of economic forest data, this issue presents new features in GFIS, and informs about forest-related sessions at the Copenhagen climate change congress.IUFRO News issue 3 of 2009 reports on the workshop “Figures for Forests” held in Freiburg, Germany, dealing with recent advances in new approaches and technologies concerning the collection, processing and presentation of economic forest data. It also presents new features of an upgraded GFIS interface and informs about forest-related sessions at the Copenhagen climate change congress that took place from 10-12 March. You will also find calls for photos to be used for IUFRO outreach materials, a reminder to nominate candidates for IUFRO Congress awards, and various announcements including events, publications, positions and courses.
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