News Online
IUFRO News Vol. 39, Issue 10, October 2010
Reports from meetings on subjects as diverse as laser scanning for forest applications; landscape ecology; poplars and willows; uneven-aged forest management and larch genetics are published in this issue.Read about a variety of activities of IUFRO units such as the SilviLaser 2010 conference on LiDAR applications for assessing forest ecosystems; the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference 2010; the 5th International Poplar Symposium entitled "Poplars and Willows: From Research Models to Multipurpose Trees for a Bio-based Society"; the 7th IUFRO conference on Uneven-aged Forest Management (UAFM); the GFEP editorial team meeting for drafting the policy brief on international forest governance; and the 7th international symposium Larix–2010: From Larch Genetics and Breeding to Silviculture. Of course, the issue is, always, rounded off with information on awards, publications, research opportunities and upcoming meetings.
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