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IUFRO News Vol. 41, Issue 1, January 2012

Multipurpose forest ecosystem management, silviculture in tropical forests and transboundary conservation of endangered tree species are major topics of the January issue of IUFRO News.

A series of IUFRO meetings on topical themes are highlighted in this issue of IUFRO News. The International Conference on "Multipurpose Forest Ecosystem Management in a Changing Environment” in Nanning, China, concluded, among other things that a multipurpose forest ecosystem management would be one effective option for the forests of the future and science should form the bedrock of the forest ecosystem management. The conference on "Research priorities in tropical silviculture: towards new paradigms?" in Montpellier, France, emphasised the need to promote tropical silviculture to ensure the conservation of a major share of tropical forests whilst deriving economic benefits from them. Furthermore, over 60 forestry researchers and academicians from 12 Asian countries participated in a workshop to share and exchange experiences and information on conservation of several valuable and threatened forest tree species in the region.

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