Publications and references


  • 2014 IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference; Prague, Czech Republic; 25-29 August 2014. IUFRO Units involved: 2.04.02, 2.02.07, 2.02.11. Book of Abstracts


Bouffier L, Klapste J, Suontama M, Dungey HS, Mullin TJ (2019). Evaluation of forest tree breeding strategies based on partial pedigree reconstruction through simulations: Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus nitens as case studies. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49(12):1504-1515.

Burdon RD, Klapste J (2019). Alternative selection methods and explicit or implied economic-worth functions for different traits in tree breeding. Tree Genetics & Genomes 15:79.

Cappa EP, Cantet RJC (2008). Direct and competition additive effects in tree breeding: Bayesian estimation from an individual tree mixed model. Silvae Genetica 57:45-56.

Cappa EP, Michael US, Xie C, Yanchuk AD (2016). Identification and joint modeling of competition effects and environmental heterogeneity in three Douglas-fir trials.  Tree Genetics & Genomes 12: 102.

Cappa EP, El-Kassaby YA, Munoz F, Garcia MN, Villalba PV, Klapste J, Marcucci Poltri SN (2017). Improving accuracy of breeding values by incorporating genomic information in spatial-competition mixed models. Molecular Breeding 37:125

Cappa EP, EL-Kassaby YA, Munoz F, Garcia MN, Villalba PV, Klapste J, Marcucci Poltri SN (2018). Genomic-based multi-trait evaluation in Eucalyptus grandis using dominant DArT markers. Plant Science 271:27-33.

Cappa EP, de Lima BM, da Silva-Junior OB, Garcia CC, Mansfield SD, Grattapaglia D (2019). Improving genomic prediction of growth and wood traits in Eucalyptus using phenotypes from non-genotyped trees by single-step GBLUP. Plant science, 284: 9-15.

Cullis BR, Jefferson P, Thompson R, Smith AB (2014). Factor analytic and reduced animal models for the investigation of additive genotype-by-environment interaction in outcrossing plant species with application to a Pinus radiata breeding programme. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127(10):2193-2210.

Doerksen TK, Herbinger CM (2010). Impact of reconstructed pedigrees on progeny-test breeding values in red spruce. Tree Genetics & Genomes 6(4):591-600.

Dutkowski GW, Costa e Silva J, Gilmour AR, Lopez GA (2002). Spatial analysis methods for forest genetic trials. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32(12):2201-2214.

El-Kassaby YA, Cappa EP, Liewlaksaneeyanawin C, Klapste J, Lstiburek M (2011). Breeding without breeding: is a complete pedigree necessary for efficient breeding? PLoS ONE 6(10):e25737.

Elshire RJ, Glaubitz JC, Sun Q, Poland JA, Kawamoto K, Buckler ES, Mitchell SE (2011). A robust, simple genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach for high diversity species. PLoS ONE 6(5):e19379.

Funda T, Lstiburek M, Lachout P, Klapste J, El-Kassaby YA (2009). Optimization of combined genetic gain and diversity for collection and deployment of seed orchard crops. Tree Genetics & Genomes 5:583-593.

Grattapaglia D, Silva-Junior O, Resende RT, Cappa EP, Muller BSF, Tan B, Isik F, Ratcliffe B, El-Kassaby YA (2018). Quantitative genetics and genomics converge to accelerate forest tree breeding. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1693.

Hansen OK, McKinney LV (2010). Establishment of a quasi-field trial in Abies nordmanniana – test of a new approach to forest tree breeding. Tree Genetics & Genomes 6(2):345-355.

Henderson CR (1986). Estimation of variances in animal model and reduced animal model for single traits and single records. Journal of Dairy Science 69(5):1394-1402.

Lindgren D, Mullin TJ (1997). Balancing gain and relatedness in selection. Silvae Genetica 46:124-129.

Lstiburek M, Mullin TJ, Mackay TFC, Huber D, Li B (2005). Positive assortative mating with family size as a function of predicted parental breeding values. Genetics 171(3):1311-1320.

Lstiburek M, Schueler S, El-Kassaby YA, Hodge GR, Stejskal J, Korecky J, Skorpik P, Konrad H, Geburek T (2020). In situ genetic evaluation of European larch across climatic regions using marker-based pedigree reconstruction. Frontiers in Genetics 11:28.

Neves LG, Davis JM, Barbazuk WB, Kirst M (2013). Whole-exome targeted sequencing of the uncharacterized pine genome. The Plant Journal 75(1):146-156.

Ratcliffe B, Gamal El-Dien O, Cappa EP, Porth I, Klapste J, Chen C, El-Kassaby YA (2017). Single-step BLUP with varying genotyping effort in open-pollinated Picea glauca. G3:Genes|Genomes|Genetics 7(3):935-942.

Rosvall O, Mullin TJ (2003). Positive assortative mating with selection restrictions on group coancestry enhances gain while conserving selection diversity in long-term forest tree breeding. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107:629-642.

Ruotsalainen S and Lindgren D (1998). Predicting genetic gain of backward and forward selection in forest tree breeding. Silvae Genetica 47(1):42-50.

Ruotsalainen S. Lindgren D (2000). Stratified sublines: a new option for structuring breeding populations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30:596-604.