4.01.04 - Effects of environmental changes on forest growth


Session of Working Party 4.01.04 at XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019: Forest tree and stand growth processes under differing environments ‒ Concepts, methods and evidence

In the context of the XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019, IUFRO Working Party 4.01.04 "Effects of Environmental Changes on Forest Growth" invites all interested colleagues to attend the session: 

Forest tree and stand growth processes under differing environments ‒ Concepts, methods and evidence
Session chairs: Hans-Peter Kahle and Phil West

The ability of forests to sequester carbon is seen as an important ecosystem service for mitigating climate change. This session will deal with the growth and development of forest trees and stands in relation to their biological, physical and chemical environment, factors that determine their biomass production potential.

The session will take place in two time slots:

Session B4e, 8:30-10:30 Tuesday, 1st October, 2019, Venue R03 - WING 3
Six oral presentations: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/691/program-app/session/6140

Session B4m, 15:30-17:30 Friday, 4th October, 2019, Venue R20 – PG
Five oral presentations:  https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/691/program-app/session/7375

Hope to have exciting sessions. See you soon in Curitiba!


Administrative meeting of Working Party 4.01.04 at XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019, October 1st 2019, 13:00-13:50, R22 PG

In the context of the XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019, IUFRO Working Party 4.01.04 "Effects of Environmental Changes on Forest Growth" invites all interested delegates to attend the administrative meeting Tuesday, October 1st 2019, 13:00-13:50, room: R22 PG

The session is intended for administrative and business issues related to IUFRO Working Party 4.01.04. The session is open to the delegates participation.