9.00.00 - Forest Policy and Economics
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IUFRO Latin American Conference - Sustainable Landscape Management – the role of forests, trees, agroforestry and their interactions with agriculture
17-19 October 2023; Curitiba, Brazil and online
The conference seeks to bring together a diverse array of stakeholders (from policy makers and scientists to the private sector and rural communities) – in the context of Latin America – for presenting and discussing different initiatives that aim at creating in the future, more resilient landscapes for the benefit of people and nature. Two scales of scope will be considered: a) the landscape level; and b) the level of individual management units such as rural farms and/or forest/agroforestry/agriculture enterprises.
Details: https://eventos.galoa.com.br/iufro-2023/page/2479-inicio
Hot off the press: Orchestrating forest policy making: Involvement of scientists and stakeholders in political processes
Edited by Daniela Kleinschmit, Laura Secco, Arnaud Sergent, Ida Wallin and Helga Pülzl.
Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 89, Pages 1-106, April 2018.
Details: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/forest-policy-and-economics/vol/89/suppl/C