9.00.00 - Forest Policy and Economics



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IUFRO Latin American Conference - Sustainable Landscape Management – the role of forests, trees, agroforestry and their interactions with agriculture
17-19 October 2023; Curitiba, Brazil and online

The conference seeks to bring together a diverse array of stakeholders (from policy makers and scientists to the private sector and rural communities) – in the context of Latin America – for presenting and discussing different initiatives that aim at creating in the future, more resilient landscapes for the benefit of people and nature.  Two scales of scope will be considered: a) the landscape level; and b) the level of individual management units such as rural farms and/or forest/agroforestry/agriculture enterprises.

Details: https://eventos.galoa.com.br/iufro-2023/page/2479-inicio

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Monica Gabay, Argentina


Ahmad Maryudi, Indonesia

Ida Wallin, Sweden

Yaoqi Zhang, United States

About Unit

The role of forests and forestry has changed in the last decades. Forests are no longer seen simply as a source for timber supply, but rather as ecosystems that sustain livelihoods and provide a range of products and environmental services. Additionally challenges like market globalization and global environmental problems encounter forests and demand new requirements for sustainable forest management. Moreover the economic dimension of forestry providing societies with the renewable raw material timber has proven to become more and more important during the past years. The resulting tensions at the different political levels need to be regulated by forest policy processes. The research of Division 9 Forest Policy and Economics investigates in elements and the function of this social dimension of forests. Different research areas are equally important to considerably improve the knowledge on drivers and consequences of change of the social dimension of forests, such as the historical perspective, the economic and political analysis or the regulative dimension. Areas like management, information and communication support the strong relation to the needs and opportunities of the forest sector in regards to the social dimension.