Themebox list


  1. XXVI IUFRO World Congress
  2. Achieving forest establishment at scale to address climate, environmental and economic challenges around the world
  3. 2024 Short Rotation Woody Crops International Conference - The Future is Green: Integrating Short Rotation Woody Crops (SRWC), Agroforestry, and Ecosystem Services for Sustainable, Productive Landscapes
  4. Theory and Practice to address Defoliating insects, Invasive Pests and Biological Control of Insects and Pathogens in Forests
  5. 11th Meeting of the IUFRO Working Party 7.02.09: Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems
  6. International Oak Symposium
  7. Division 7 Webinar Series in celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  8. IUFRO Seed Orchard Conference 2024: Seed Orchards - The Key Stage in Forest Tree Breeding and Sustainable Forest Management
  9. Parasitic Plant-Microbe-Host Interaction and Parasitic Plant Ecology, Evolution and Climate Change – co-organized sessions with the International Parasitic Plant Society planned for the World Congress on Parasitic Plants
  10. Urban Forest Futures New Zealand / Te aka tāngaengae – Pūtaringamotu
  11. IUFRO Tree Biotech 2024
  12. 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees
  13. Characteristics of Ecosystem Services of European Old-Growth Beech Forests


  1. 1.06.00 - Restoration of degraded sites
  2. Activities and events
  3. Publications and references
  4. Expertise offered by Unit
  5. 1.02.04 - Sustainable management and genetic resources in Meliaceae
  6. 7.03.15 - Social dimensions of forest health
  7. 5.12.00 - Sustainable utilization of forest products
  8. 7.03.01 - Reproductive structure insects & pathogens
  9. 8.04.06 - Nitrogen and sulfur deposition
  10. 9.05.04 - Forest policies in the Baltic and CEE regions
  11. 7.03.16 - Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects
  12. 7.03.17 - Tree Health in Urban Forests
  13. 2.04.12 - Forest genetic monitoring
  14. 9.04.05 - Economics of biodiversity and protected areas
  15. 5.16.00 - Wood identification
  16. 5.16.01 - Wood collections and databases
  17. 5.16.02 - Anatomical identification of wood
  18. 5.16.03 - Multidisciplinary identification of wood