5.00.00 - Forest Products
Division 5 - the Video!
Want to know about what IUFRO's Division 5 works on?
This Division includes research on the varied factors affecting the way forest plants grow and produce woody biomass and other products and the various ways the materials are used by industries and communities. Specific topics include: the microscopic and macroscopic structure of wood and its utilization; engineering properties; protection in storage and use; wood physics; drying, conversion, and performance of solid wood and wood composites in use; production of energy and chemicals from trees. It also includes research on the production, characteristics, and use of non-wood forest products, such as medicinal and edible components of forest crops. A very strong theme is the efficient and sustainable use of forests for the good of mankind.
You can also watch the newly produced video!
Details on the Division: https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-5/
Watch the video at: https://youtu.be/ColUOAqLVDY
The Forest Treasure Chest - Delivering Outcomes for Everyone
From 4 to 8 June 2023, the IUFRO all-Division 5 conference took place in Cairns, Australia. The conference titled "The Forest Treasure Chest - Delivering Outcomes for Everyone" focused on improving sustainable trade in timber and forestry, adapting forests to climate change, and cooperation between regional forestry and indigenous communities.
The conference in tropical Cairns on the north-east coast of Australia was the first major in-person event of the 16 Units of Division 5 after the Corona-related break. A total of 140 representatives from the field of forestry and wood sciences from a wide range of cultures from 26 countries attended the event. The conference at the Cairns Convention Centre was hosted by the local IUFRO committee and primarily organized by scientists from the University of Sunshine Coast (USC).
Read more at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/iufro-news-78-2023/#c36470
Download PDF from: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div5/50000/all-d5-2023-report.pdf
Coming up in June: All-Division 5 Conference
The Forest Treasure Chest - Delivering Outcomes for Everyone
4-8 June 2023; Cairns, Australia
IUFRO's Division 5 has a long tradition of holding All-Division 5 Conferences. These have been organized every 4-5 years in different parts of the world since the 1970s: Capetown 1973, Oxford 1980, Madison 1983, Sao Paulo 1988, Nancy 1992, Pullman 1997, Roturua 2003, Taipei 2007, Estoril 2012 and Vancouver 2017.
This year, the All-Division 5 Conference will take place in Cairns, Australia.
IUFRO Division 5 focusses on products sourced from both natural and planted forests. While there is a historical focus on traditional solid wood products, Division 5 has expanded to include research on the wealth of offerings from living forests. At its essence, Division 5 seeks to understand the varied factors affecting the way forest plants grow and produce woody biomass, and how forest materials are used by industries and local communities.
Registration is open! Learn more at https://www.iufro-div5-2023.com/registration
Further details:
General: https://www.iufro-div5-2023.com/
Things to do in the Cairns Region: https://www.iufro-div5-2023.com/general-9
Pre-congress 28 May - 2 June 2023: 54th International Research Group on Wood Protection, Cairns, Australia.
Mark your calendars!
VIII Congreso Forestal Latinoamericano/VIII Latin American Forestry Congress (CONFLAT)
Mendoza, Argentina; 27-30 March 2023
Units involved: 5.00.00, 5.01.07, Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education
Conference website: https://congresoforestal2023.org.ar/
Registration: https://congresoforestal2023.org.ar/inscripcion
World Wood Day Activities
The 2022 World Wood Day Online Symposium and The Fourth IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium: Trees and Non-Wood Forest Products: Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainability
online; 21-22 March 2022
IUFRO Units involved: 5.00.00, 5.15.00, 9.03.02.
Details: http://www.worldwoodday.org/2022/regions_event/39
Report Working Party 9.03.02: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div9/90302/wwd22-online-symposium-report.doc
Report Research Group 5.15.00: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div5/51500/wwd22-dubai-report.pdf