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IUFRO Event at the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week

Disseminating Scientific Information for Policy and Management

Hanoi, Vietnam, on 25 April, 2008

A one-day seminar on “Disseminating Scientific Information for Policy and Management" was organised by IUFRO through its Special Programme for Developing Countries (IUFRO-SPDC). The event received generous funding from the Korea Forest Research Institute and contributions in terms of expertise and resource persons from members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.

The Programme was organised in three Sessions according to the following global IUFRO-led initiatives dealing with the dissemination of scientific information for policy and management:


"Science Policy Interfacing" by Michael Kleine, Session I

"Science Informing Policy Makers" by Markku Kanninen, Session II

The presentations of Session III are accessible from the following web site:

A detailed report on the event can be accessed here.