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"Working effectively at the Interface of Forest Science and Forest Policy"

Pre-Congress Training Workshop at the II Latin American IUFRO Congress

Time and Venue:

20 - 22 October, 2006

La Serena, Chile
(location of the 2nd Latin American IUFRO Congress)

Report on the Training Workshop

Please click here to downlown the workshop report.

Programme of the Training Workshop

Please click here for the Programme of the Workshop.


The need for sound scientific information in the development of public forest policies at the local, national and international levels has grown significantly in recent years. So too has the need for such information within the private forestry sector and among non-governmental organizations, whose role in the development, sustainable management and conservation of forest resources in all regions of the world is steadily increasing in importance. Despite rapid advances in information technology that has, in theory, the potential to dramatically improve the flow of research findings to policy-makers and forest managers, communication and interaction often is inadequate between the research community and the users of the information they generate.


In order to generate value for society, research results must be used by someone – policy- makers, forestry practitioners, landowners, educators and other researchers. The science-policy interface is all about utilising scientific knowledge more affectively. Often research is planned and conducted before giving adequate thought to exactly how the results will be transformed into usable information. The overall objective of this training workshop is therefore:

  • to provide concepts and methods to researchers on how to plan, conduct, and organise research activities so that results can more quickly and easily be transformed into usable information for problem-solving and policy-making.

Although not all research is focused on policy-relevant questions best practices in transforming research results into usable information can increase the impact of research on forest policy and improve the practice of forestry, thereby creating more value more quickly for society from forestry research.

Course Design:

The three-day training workshop has been designed to provide latest thinking on concepts and tools for the improvement of the interface of forest science and forest policy. The course will specifically focus on the following issues:

  • Selecting research questions that are relevant to policy issues;

  • Conducting research in a communicative and collaborative manner;

  • Understanding, serving and engaging in policy processes;

  • Creating organisational capacity and culture that enables and encourages work at the science-policy interface.

Emphasis in the training workshop will be placed on interactive sessions and group work so that participants will obtain significant insights in the complex nature of issues to be addressed in the science-policy interface.

Course Content:

The training is based on the work of the IUFRO Task Force on Science-Policy Interface and its published guidelines on “Working Effectively at the Interface of Forest Science and Forest Policy

Programme of the Training Workshop

19 October, 2006
Arrival of participants at the training venue, La Serena

20 October, 2006

08:00 – 09:00Registration and collection of course material

09:00 – 09:30Opening Session

Opening speech by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee IUFROLAT 2006 (S. Barros)

Welcome remarks by IUFRO-SPDC Coordinator
(M. Kleine)

Introduction to the training workshop
(B. Louman)

09:30 – 10:30Working Session I