Expertise offered by Unit
Unit 6.00.00
Research interests of Unit officeholders
Purabi Bose
(Contact)- indigenous peoples and forest tenure in tropical landscape
- social dimensions of tropical forest governance
- women's land and and forest rights
- critical minerals and forests livelihoods
- forest policy for indigenous peoples and local communities
Ellyn Damayanti
(Contact)- tenure and land use governance
- forestry, forest policy and governance
- climate change mitigation, redd+, nature-based solution, natural climate solution
- environmental and social safeguards
- sustainable landscape management, climate-smart landscape
- traditional knowledge
- rural development
Sreetheran Maruthaveeran
(Contact)- urban forestry in tropical countries
- arboriculture
- environmental behaviour
Justin Morgenroth
(Contact)- urban forestry
- remote sensing
- forest measurement and monitoring
Send comments to Purabi Bose (Coordinator)