Activities and events

No upcoming meetings found for Unit 1.03.01.

Calendar of Meetings

Past and ongoing activities

International Scientific Conference "Forestry: Bridge to the Future"; online and Sofia, Bulgaria; 5-8 May 2021; Units involved: 1.01.11, 1.03.01, 3.00.00, 9.04.04. Conference homepage


A first attempt to focus on coppice forests internationally is the COST Action FP 1301 EuroCoppice (2013 – 2017). It incorporates 35 countries (European, neighbouring and international) with over 140 scientists/experts. 

The XXIV IUFRO World Congress (5-11 Oct. 2014 in Salt Lake City, USA) included a well-attended technical session (TS 113) on traditional coppice forestry, organised by EuroCoppice members.   

The main “Kick-Off” for the Working Party would take place at/around the IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017 in Freiburg, Germany (19-22. Sept, 2017). Further smaller meetings could take place before then, also in the context of COST Action FP1301 EuroCoppice.

Activites of Interest

History and current conservation practices of urban satoyama; Vienna, Austria; 16 March 2017. Public seminar held by Professor Toru Terada, The University of Tokyo, on the occation of his guest researcher visit at the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies (KIOES) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Details at