5.01.07 - Tree ring analysis


Mark your calendars!

VIII Congreso Forestal Latinoamericano/VIII Latin American Forestry Congress (CONFLAT)
Mendoza, Argentina; 27-30 March 2023
Units involved: 5.00.00, 5.01.07, 9.00.00, Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education

Conference website:  https://congresoforestal2023.org.ar/
Registration:  https://congresoforestal2023.org.ar/inscripcion


Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology - TRACE 2016

This conference will be held in Białowieża, Poland on 11-15 May 2016. TRACE 2016 seeks to strengthen the networking and scientific exchange of scientists and students involved in the study of tree-rings. Its aim is to present and discuss new discoveries and approaches in tree-ring science. The scope of the meeting includes all fields of dendrochronology and its application in archaeology, climatology, geomorphology, glaciology, fire history, forest dynamics, ecology, plant anatomy, hydrology and physiology, including the use of stable isotopes. Details at www.trace2016.com/


1st International Course on Wood Ecology 2016

1st International Course on Wood Ecology 2016. Age and Anatomical Structure of Plants - A comparison on a global scale; Klosters Dorf, Switzerland, 29 May - 4 June 2016. Longevity and age of plants and cells within plants are essential to reconstruct plant and vegetation dynamics. By counting annual rings and recognizing living cells it is possible to date the total age of plants or the oldest remaining living tissue of herbs, dwarf shrubs, shrubs trees and lianas. Details at http://www.wsl.ch/info/mitarbeitende/gaertner/Wood_Ecology/