5.15.00 - Forest products culture


Coming up on International Day of Forests!

Diversity of Wood in Culture: 2024 Online World Wood Day Symposium and The Sixth IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium
online; 21-22 March 2024
Units involved: 5.00.00, 5.15.00, 9.03.02

This symposium is co-organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA), International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS), International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 5 (Forest Products) including IUFRO Research Group 5.15.00 (Forest Products Culture), IUFRO Working Party 9.03.02 (Forest Culture) of Division 9 (Forest Policy and Economics) as well as the Estonian State Forest Management Centre (RMK), and with the support of International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRGWP) and Japan Wood Research Society (JWRS). 


  1. Historical Utilization and Trade and Cultural Values of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products
  2. Construction and Buildings Including Wood Durability and Protection Needs
  3. Movable Building Components, Furniture, Musical Instruments, Artifacts and Design
  4. Education in Understanding Forest Products Culture and the Challenge of Climate Change
  5. Protection and Conservation of Historical Wooden Properties including Related Forest Management, Craftsmanship, Traditional Wood Processing and Wood Working Experiences
  6. Wood Products and Wood Biotechnology (IAWS Special Session)

Details:  http://www.worldwoodday.org/2024/regions_event/39


NEW: The International Journal of Wood Culture

The International Journal of Wood Culture (IJWC) publishes papers on all aspects of wood and other plant materials such as bamboo, rattan, and bark and their role in art, culture and society in the past, present and future. IJWC was initiated as Wood Culture Journal in 2011 by the International Wood Culture Society (IWCS), a non-profit organization based in California, USA, and committed to the research, education and promotion of wood culture. IWCS and World Wood Day Foundation are the current sponsors of IJWC.

IJWC is a full Open Access journal and uses Editorial Manager for online submission. The Editor-in-Chief is Harvey Green, Northeastern University (emeritus professor), Boston, MA, USA. IUFRO officeholders Michael Grabner and Charlotte Chia-Hua are members of the editorial board.

Volumes published in this journal are listed at: https://brill.com/view/journals/ijwc/ijwc-overview.xml?language=en&msclkid=87801074d10e11ec8ccf29ee766c1fed


World Wood Day Activities

The 2022 World Wood Day Online Symposium and The Fourth IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium: Trees and Non-Wood Forest Products: Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainability
online; 21-22 March 2022

IUFRO Units involved: 5.00.00, 5.15.00, 9.03.02.

Report Working Party 9.03.02:  https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div9/90302/wwd22-online-symposium-report.doc
Report Research Group 5.15.00: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div5/51500/wwd22-dubai-report.pdf


5.15.00 Activities during XXV IUFRO World Congress; Curitiba, Brazil

Session: F8a & F8b Wood and Forest Culture: Addressing a Sustainable Future 
Date: Tuesday, 1 October, 14:00-17:30
The sessions will provide a better understanding of the historical, religious, artistic and other social values of wood and forest culture both for wood and non-wood forest products. The talks will emphasize the economic, environmental, and scientific impacts to different regions or countries in the world as a result of these social values.

Booth Exhibition
Date: 30 September - 4 October, 10:00-18:00
One booth will showcase music instruments and indigenous artifacts, where visitors will have the chance to see Brazilian and South American wooden music instruments. Professors and students from the Federal University of Parana music department will be present at the booth to give visitors explanations of indigenous culture and demonstrate music instruments, specially the unique southern Brazilian music instrument: the Luthier. The other booth will feature a woodcarving show, where the audience can witness local Brazilian technique of woodcarving. The popular Northeastern Brazilian "xilogravura" or woodcut will also be lively presented at the booth as well as printmaking where design is carved on wood that depicts daily life, mythological creatures and folklore with a whimsical spirit. Join us and take a moment to explore the richness of Brazilian wooden art, music and culture.


Welcome to 2019 World Wood Day

2019 World Wood Day will be held at the Austrian Open-Air Museum Stübing and Stefaniensaal in Graz, Austria on March 19th - 24th celebrating its 7th annual event with the theme "CHANGE."  It will be an intersection of tradition and innovation - preserving the past and pioneering for the future - to take action and face the challenges in this ever-changing world. CHANGE for 2019 is to heighten the need for awareness to make changes for a sustainable future. A variety of programs will be organized and available for the public to be involved, such as woodcraft activities, folk art workshops, and children’s event.  Furthermore, an academic symposium, live music performance and concerts, designing projects, stockmuehle reconstruction project, and tree-planting ceremony will all be included in the event.  Come be a part of 2019 WWD in a proactive effort for CHANGE.

Details at: http://www.worldwoodday.org/2019/

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