change language:

Publications and references

Proceedings, Special Issues, ...

  • Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Developement/4 - GREEN2022; Zagreb and Jastrebarsko, Croatia; 14-16 September 2022. Units involved: 5.00.00, 8.00.00, 8.04.00, 9.00.00. Book of Abstracts
  • INTECOL2022 - Session: Forest Biodiversity Crisis:  Resilience & mitigation options; Geneva, Switzerland; 28 August - 2 September 2022. Proceedings  
  • Special Issue in Ecological Engineering, Volume 109, Part B, December 2017, Pages 141-144. 4th International Conference on soil bio- and eco-engineering (SBEE2016) ‘The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability.’ Editorial article. Thomas Hubble Samantha Clarke, Alexia Stokes, Chris Phillips
  • Radioactive contamination in forest ecosystems: From Chernobyl to Fukushima. Edited by Masamichi Takahashi, George Shaw and Frédéric Coppin. Special Issue of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 161, Pages 1-82 (2016).
  • A global review on hydrological responses to forest change across multiple spatial scales: Importance of scale, climate, forest type and hydrological regime. Mingfang Zhang, Ning Liu, Richard Harper, Qiang Li, Kuan Liu, Xiaohua Wei, Dingyuan Ning, Yiping Hou, Shirong Liu. Journal of Hydrology 546 (2017) 44–59. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.12.040
  • IUFRO scientific summary 139, 2016. Climate Change Induces Northward Expansion of Forest Pests. Pierre Bernier.
  • IUFRO scientific summary 142, 2016.  Silvo-Pastoral systems in a changing world: Functions, Management and People. Teresa Pinto-Correia, Ana Cristina Gonçalves, Gerardo Moreno and Fernando Pulido.
  • Azevedo, J.C., A.H. Perera & M.A. Pinto (Eds.). 2015. Forest landscapes and global change: challenges for research and management. Springer. 262pp.
  • Contribution to the IALE Bulletin, Vol.33(3): 17-20, October 2015  ISSN 1570-6524
  • SilviLaser 2015 - 14th conference on Lidar Applications for Assessing and Managing Forest Ecosystems; La Grande Motte, France; 28-30 September 2015. IUFRO Units involved: 4.00.00, 8.01.02. Proceedings 
  • Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Forest Landscapes - Concepts, Research, and Applications; Tartu, Estonia; 23-30 August 2015. Book of Abstracts  
  • Plantation Forests and Biodiversity: Oxymoron or Opportunity? Springer Bood Series: Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol. 9. Brockerhoff, E.G.; Jactel, H.; Parrotta, J.A.; Quine, C.P.; Sayer, J.; Hawksworth, D.L. (Eds.). Reprinted from Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 17, No. 5, 2008. 2009, VIII, 288 p., Hardcover
    ISBN: 978-90-481-2806-8.
  • Conference on "Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Climate Change with Emphasis on Forest Health – Review of Science, Policies, and Practices"; 25-28 August 2008; Umea, Sweden. Session Summaries - Book of Abstracts
  • Bravo, F., LeMay, V., Jandl, R. and Gadow, K. (Eds) 2008. /Managing forest ecosystems: the challenge of climate change. /Springer, 342 p, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8342-6; online preview
  • Une introduction à la modélisation des forêts hétérogènes. Alain Franc, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Nicolas Picard. 2000. 312 p. ISBN 2-85710-058-2. Engref - Publications

Other publications

  • Contribution to FAO 2015 "Forest and Water five year action plan"

  • Contribution to the Outcome Statement of the "our common future under climate change" (CFCC) conference to the negotiators of the Paris COP21 (with particular emphasis on transitional forests & state of the art forest monitoring from space)