Call for Submissions: Forests are more than trees and communication is more than words: inter- and transdisciplinary research about effective multi-stakeholder communication in Germany
Submissions are invited for a Special Issue of 'Forest Policy and Economics'. Forests are the focus of attention for multiple stakeholders with differing demands. Forest policy research points out that communication is crucial for effective stakeholder and conflict management. However, most research done so far in forestry-related science misses to point out which aspects make communication better and more effective. This Special Issue will draw upon scientific, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, combining perspectives from social science, interpersonal communication, public relations, linguistics and media analysis with existing forest policy research. The combined findings will provide a differentiated picture of the "how", "what" and "to which effect" of public communication on forest issues in Germany.Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 May 2024
Guest editors: Prof. Norbert Weber, Ms. Sandra Liebal, Ms. Josephine Köhler, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany; Ms. Lena Riemann, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany