

Call for submissions: Taking stock of work and employment research in the forest sector

Submissions are invited for a Special issue of 'Forest Policy and Economics'. This Special Issue aims to assemble a spectrum of quality research covering a wide range of topics related to work and employment in the forest sector. Papers published in this SI will contribute to a deeper understanding of the current status of forest-related employment and how it is developed across economies and regions. It also aims at taking stock of relevant studies from various geographic and levels of analyses offers a lens for identifying knowledge gaps and future trends in this field of research. To fully represent the multifaceted aspects of work and employment in the forest sector, studies are invited that address one or more of the following topics, but not limited to: - Contribution of forests and the forest sector to employment; - Causes and consequences of informal economy in the forest sector; - Data and methods for measuring employment indicators relevant to the forest sector; - OSH for the forest-related workforce, including the effectiveness of OSH infrastructure, policies, and legislation; - Adequate earnings and social security coverage for forest-related workforce; - Women and youth in the forest-sector labour market and gender inequalities at work; - Green, blue job opportunities; - Governance in the world of forest-related work, such as forest certification, labour standards; - Education and training required for the future workforce; - Sustainable business models of forest- based value chains relevant to the labour aspects.

Deadline for manuscript submissions:   30 November 2024
Guest editors:  Dr. Rattiya S. Lippe, Thünen Institute of Forestry, Germany; Dr. Tatiana Lizbeth Ojeda Luna, Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador; Dr. Doris Mutta, African Forest Forum, Kenya; Dr. Jörg Schweinle; Thünen Institute of Forestry, Germany

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