Position Announcements


Postdoctoral researcher/Project Researcher in Computer Science/Remote Sensing and Global Change // 10 December 2023

The University of Eastern Finland is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher/Project Researcher in Computer Science/Remote Sensing and Global Change on the Joensuu campus. The School seeks a postdoctoral researcher/project researcher with a strong technical background in computer science or remote sensing to work on global tree mortality within the ERC Starting Grant-funded project entitled "Environmental thresholds for drought- and heat-related tree mortality (DRYTREE)". DRYTREE is an ambitious interdisciplinary project that aims to increase understanding of the effects of climate change on forests by combining remote sensing, ecophysiology, forest ecology and forest entomology. The project can greatly impact policies and forest management practices to increase forest resilience in a changing climate. The main responsibilities of Postdoctoral Researcher/Project Researcher include developing pattern-recognition algorithms and using remote sensing tools for mapping tree mortality within Europe and the US using aerial imagery. The responsibilities include co-supervision of PhD students and publishing research articles within a highly multidisciplinary research team. The School expects experience in image analysis using convolutional neural networks, high-performance computing (Center of Super Computing, CSC, services are used) and handling large amounts of data. Experience in forest ecology, ecophysiology or global ecology is appreciated.

Institution:  University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, School of Forest Sciences
Duty station:  Joensuu, Finland
Closing date:  10 December 2023, by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2)

Details at:  https://uef.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:677672/type:job/where:4/apply:1 

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