Activities and events
TF Illegal Logging and FLEGT
Members of the TF met at the Chatham House Illegal Logging Stakeholder Meeting in January this year.
The TF was also represented at an MCPFE meeting on EU-FLEGT issues (VPAs & EU "Due diligence"-directive in Romania in October 2009.
A special session has been submitted and accepted for the IUFRO World Congress in 2010.
There has been increased publication of peer-reviewed papers on Illegal Logging issues, an overview of these is currently under preparation.
The current hot topic in global environmental negotiations are the preparations for the Copenhagen climate summit, for forest policy interests the question of what the REDD-tools will eventually look like is most interesting here.
The discussions around REDD have made it clear that a successfull implementation of REDD will require a solution for the issues, which are also relevant for Illegal Logging.
The Task Force has been invited to get involved in the new "Chatham House-RRI Dialogue on Forest Governance and Climate Change", which starts off with a meeting in London on July 8th.
In addition we have developed a course in co-operation between CIDT (University of Wolverhampton) and my own institution, which is aimed at decision-makers / managers from developing countries, which will be delivered for the first time in the UK early next year.This programme is aimed at providing an overview on current state of play in relation to IL, FLEGT and REDD. Eventually this course will be "repackaged" as two M.Sc. -modules. Flyer