Forest Landscape Restoration and Global Change: From Policy to Practice
International Knowledge-Sharing Workshop
Radisson Blu Convention Centre, Kigali, Rwanda, 26-27 July 2016
The German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has entrusted the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), FAO and Wageningen University with organizing an international knowledge-sharing workshop on “Forest Landscape Restoration and Global Change: From Policy to Practice”, to provide inputs into the High-level Bonn Challenge Ministerial Roundtable in Rwanda.
The two-day event was organised in partnership with MINIRENA and the cross-sectoral Task Force for agriculture and natural resources with contributions from IUCN, WRI, CIFOR and various research institutions in the region.
The event brought together more than 60 experts from over 10 countries in Africa and overseas.
Our overall aim was to support political commitments with knowledge and expertise on the actual implementation of FLR.
As emphasised in the high-level Bonn Challenge Meeting political commitments need to be complemented with expertise and implementation on the ground. Therefore, the Workshop sought to:
1. Share and discuss lessons from current state of the art scientific and technical knowledge on FLR both at global and regional scales;
2. Connect FLR experts in the region and further stimulate exchanges of information, thus providing feedback into the Bonn Challenge and AFR100 policy initiatives;
3. Discuss challenges of current land management across the region and impediments to sustainable land management and ecosystem functionality;
4. And finally, to develop a plan of action in support of continuous sub-regional learning, sharing of experiences and FLR practice improvements.
To this end, a wide spectrum of issues including participatory planning, governance, institutional arrangements, regulatory frameworks, capacity development, market and finance mechanisms, as well as technical aspects of FLR operations was covered.
- Systematic approach to FLR planning and project design (J. Stanturf)
- How can we at the national level develop workable and cost effective restoration strategies? (J. Njue, IUCN)
- Targeting the drivers of land degradation in Ghana (E. Foli)
- Forest Landscape Restoration and Global Change Integrated landscape approach (C. van Oosten)
- Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration (S. Mansourian)
- Novel institutional arrangements of governance at landscape level (A. Razafimahatratra)
- Policy Integration: Experiences with cross sectoral coordination in Forest Landscape Restoration (I. Bisangwa, MINAGRI and A. Uzamukunda, FAO)
- Some FLR relevant lessons from forest tenure reforms in Asia (P. Kant)
- Management of gallery forests in the lower valley of the river Ouémé in the Republic of Benin: The quest for sustainability and lessons learnt (L. B. Cheteu)
- Restoration Approaches:Manipulating Vegetation (J. Stanturf)
- Simulating tree-crop interactions in semi-arid areas for targeting and scaling of agroforestry (P Masikati, ICRAF
- Site Suitability & Feasibility for Short Rotation Plantation in North Amhara & South Tigray Regions, Ethiopia (A. Anjulo, Ethiopia)
- Forests and Woodlands Rehabilitation and Restoration in Kenya (B. Kigomo, Kenya)
- Germplasm selection, sourcing, production and supply for restoration of forests and agroforest landscapes (J-P. B. Lillesø, Denmark)
- Sharing experiences and Key findings of the Forest Landscape Restoration Assessment using the ROAM in Uganda (B. Kazungu, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda)
- Degraded forests and landscapes rehabilitation initiatives in Ethiopia: Progress and gaps (H. Kassa, CIFOR Ethiopia)
- Experiences in natural forests and riverine ecosystems rehabilitation and restoration in the Coast Region, Kenya (C. Wekesa, KFRI)
- Selection of tree species and soil management for restoring degraded lands in Ethiopian Central High and midlands (M. Alebachew, EEFRI)
- The significance of Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Rwanda Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy (GGCRS) (M. Banamwana, MINIRENA)
- Landscape Restoration for poverty reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security:
A case of Gishwati, GWLM Project (I. Nzeyimana, MINIAGRI/RAB) - Regional Ministerial Round Table East African Community and Bonn Challenge Countries from SADC and IGAD (A. Mukuralinda, ICRAF)
- Forest and landscape restoration (FLR) mechanism activities in Rwanda (J. Anania, FAO)
- FLR Monitoring and Assessment: Answering the Right Questions (J. Stanturf)
- An overview of Criteria & Indicators for FLR (P. Kant)
- Collect Earth and Mapathon: Monitoring FLR in Gatsibo (B. Arakwiye, WRI)
- Financing FLR (F. Zoveda, FAO)
- Enhancing FLR through Environment Conservation Fund (CECF) (V. Mushimwe, IUCN)
- Creating opportunities for business partnerships: Example of Landscape Investment Forum in Rwanda (C. Rwaburindi, FAO)
- Positives and Negatives of Selling Teak (Tectona grandis) using auction and other selling systems in Reference to Revenue Collection and its Impact to Landscape Restoration at Mtibwa Tree Plantation in Tanzania (P. Kagosi, TAFORI)
- Forest Landscape Restoration and Global ChangeBuilding a capacity development framework (C. van Oosten, WUR)
- Facilitating innovation for FLR: Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems (G. Kayitare, FAO)
- Capacity Development for Forest Landscape Restoration for Practitioners in Rwanda (R. Nasasira)
- Capacity Building on Nursery and Wood Energy Woodlots Establishment in Morogoro and Bagamoyo Districts, Tanzania (P. Kagosi)
- Building institutional capacities for FLR at the village level in India and Nepal (P. Kant)