

Learn about IUFRO activities at the 9th World Forestry Week in Rome, read up on meetings such as the latest tree biotechnology conference, find new publications and more…[more]


This book presents biographical sketches of recipients of the IUFRO Distinguished Service Award.[more]


Learn about the updated global teak resources assessment and a new study on assisted migration to combat climate change! Read about COFO 27 and IUFRO activities there![more]


Pre-World Forest Week dialogue called to accelerate adoption of wood-based solutions. Read Outcome Statement! [more]


IUFRO, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, is hiring a Project Manager to start on 1 October 2024.[more]


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) marked the 75th anniversary of their collaboration for the benefit of forests and people...[more]


This issue of the German newsletter has focus on the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, presenting the new IUFRO President, highlighting participation from German-speaking countries, and more…[more]


This issue looks back on the 26th IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, where more than 4000 delegates gathered to network and share latest knowledge related to forests.[more]


Stockholm Congress Statement calls for immediate and responsible actions - Daniela Kleinschmit next IUFRO President - 27th IUFRO World Congress in Nairobi in 2029.[more]


The XXVI IUFRO World Congress calls for resolute and equitable actions and best use of knowledge provided by the global science community for informed and far-sighted decisions.[more]


Read about a major report on International Forest Governance presented at UNFF19, browse the IUFRO World Congress website, learn about recent meetings, e.g. the one on tree propagation, find new publications and more…[more]


The 2023 Annual Report showcases the significant achievements and activities across our global network for forest science cooperation. The report is structured to highlight the contributions from various Divisions, Task Forces,...[more]


The Science-Policy Programme has published a new report: "International Forests Governance: A critical review of trends, drawbacks, and new approaches" [more]


In a special issue of IUFRO News the names of the recipients of IUFRO's prestigious scientific awards to be presented during the IUFRO 2024 Congress are released.[more]


New IUFRO podcast episode: The way forward for forests, science and people[more]


The summary of the two-day Forum on Ukraine Forest Science and Education: Needs and Priorities for Collaboration is now available![more]


The preliminary program for the IUFRO World Congress is now available online! Find out which sessions will take place where and what else is happening at the Congress! Do not miss the opening ceremony with HM The King of Sweden,...[more]


In line with the theme of the 2024 International Day of Forests, this issue places its focus on forests and innovation. Innovation will be key at the IUFRO World Congress and is highlighted in a new study on Europe's wood supply.[more]


TEAMING UP 4 FORESTS invites you to join the launch webinar of a new evidence-based synthesis report on Europe's wood supply in disruptive times.[more]


Put your institution at the forefront of forest research and development. Sign up as an exhibitor and join us supporting future generations and sustainable, innovative forest products and systems.[more]


How can digital tools enhance forest education? What is the future role of insurance in planted forests? What has been achieved in forest landscape restoration in Sri Lanka and Guatemala? Find answers to these questions and much...[more]


The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) has opened nominations for the 7th Wangari Maathai Forest Champions Award. The Call is open until 10 February 2024![more]


Issue 4 of IUFRO Vernetzt in 2023 presents episode 4 of the IUFRO podcast with a focus on forest biodiversity and ecosystem services. Also read about the latest trends in forest education and the successful Ukraine forest forum.[more]


Read reports about the critical role of forested landscapes in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, the importance of planted forests as a nature-based solution, the art of systematic literature review, and much more…[more]


Modern, target-oriented research and quality education, more exchange with international peers and partners, better science-policy interaction and improved coordination and communication with international and national actors are...[more]


What do Southeast Asia – especially Malaysia and Indonesia –, Madagascar, the Andes, Central America and the Caribbean, just to name a few, have in common? They are biodiversity hotspots, so regions characterized both by...[more]


Read about recent conferences focusing on potential outcomes of the EU Green Deal in relation to forests and forestry, sustainable landscape management in Latin America, improving access to sustainable forest materials worldwide,...[more]


Viola Belohrad joined the Science-Policy Programme (SciPol) of IUFRO as a Project Manager on 15 September 2023! [more]


New policy brief aims to support policymakers and stakeholders in Asia and beyond in their ambition to ensure sustainable development that takes into consideration the health of humans and nature.[more]


Learn about SAP grants to attend the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Sweden, listen to the latest IUFRO podcast episode, read about early career scientists and students and IUFRO building blocks in their career paths. More…[more]


The third episode of 'Branching out: the forest podcast' is out! In line with the IUFRO 2024 World Congress theme "Towards a responsible forest bioeconomy", the podcast hosts and their guests venture into responsible forest...[more]


Issue 3/2023 of the German language newsletter IUFRO Vernetzt highlights the extraordinary interest in the 26th IUFRO World Congress in June 2024, informs about innovative management methods of bark and wood borers, and...[more]


Read about "The Forest Treasure Chest - Delivering Outcomes for Everyone", find meeting reports on agroforestry systems, forest plantations, and other topics, get updates on latest publications and upcoming events,…[more]


Find the IUFRO Annual Report 2022 in the publications section, listen to the latest IUFRO podcast episode on resilience and adaptation to stress, read about UNFF18, learn about meetings, awards, opportunities and more…[more]


Explore what stresses forests and how society responds in our latest podcast episode![more]


Read about IUFRO activities clustered around these themes: Forests for People, Forests and Climate Change, Forests and Forest-Based Products for a Greener Future, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Biological Invasions,...[more]


The International Council of IUFRO approved the 62nd IUFRO Board recommendations to hold the 27th IUFRO World Congress in Nairobi, Kenya.[more]


Read about the International Symposium on Intersectoral Cooperation for Resilient Landscapes in Dehradun, find out about recent and upcoming Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats, other IUFRO meetings and more…[more]


In 2023, IUFRO will offer grants of up to EUR 5 000 for Short Scientific Visits specifically for early-career scientists affiliated with IUFRO member organisations in lower-middle and low income countries. These visits will...[more]


Issue 2/2023 of the German language newsletter IUFRO Vernetzt highlights a new publication on terminology of forest-related nature-based approaches, presents the new IUFRO Podcast and informs about IUFRO's newly established...[more]


The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme has now developed from a project initiative into a fully-fledged Science-Policy Programme in accordance with the post-2020 Strategy of IUFRO and its objective to further enhance...[more]


Branching out: the forest podcast first episode with Elena Paoletti, Fredrik Ingemarson, John Parrotta and Sarah Burns chatting about what you can expect from the IUFRO World Congress 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden. [more]


With a view to World Health Day on 7 April, read about the multiple benefits of forests to human health! Also learn about recent publications on the role of forests for water, for energy and livelihoods, and more…[more]


The UNFF Bureau-led hybrid event on 4 April comes as the global communities face multiple complex crises including poverty, inequality, global warming, biodiversity loss and extreme weather events caused by climate change.[more]


The Policy Brief summarizes the key messages of the Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) global assessment report "Forests and Trees for Human Health: Pathways, Impacts, Challenges and Response Options".[more]


This comprehensive report presents the outcomes of the 8th scientific assessment undertaken in the framework of the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) initiative.[more]


Plan your IUFRO World Congress participation! Read a new publication on Forest Related Nature-based Approaches! Register for the launch of the new GFEP report on Forests and Human Health on 21 March![more]


The IUFRO community is deeply grieved by the passing of Walter Liese, IUFRO Honorary Member and former IUFRO President. [more]


This report seeks to clarify how seven common terms and concepts are used in the scientific literature, namely "Nature-Based Solution, Ecosystem Based Adaptation, Integrated Landscape Management, Forest Restoration, Forest...[more]


Have a look at this brief annual report to review highlights and nuggets of information from IUFRO network activities throughout 2022. A full annual report will follow in spring 2023.[more]


What are appropriate response measures to address future and diverse demands on forests? What will the new IUFRO Task Force on Precision Pest Management (PPM) in Forest Ecosystems do? Find answers in this issue![more]


Join GFEP for the launch of a new global scientific report on Forests and Human Health on 21 March 2023, 15:00-16:00 CET, on the International Day of Forests.[more]


Wald und Holzindustrie in einer instabilen Welt Jugendworkshop zu internationaler Waldpolitik Neue Studie untersucht, warum Firmen Bäume pflanzen Laden...[more]


Find out about the Small-scale Forestry Research Group and its recent conference in Japan, read reports from a wide range of meetings and webinars, meet the new IFSA president and IUFRO liaison officer, and update yourself on...[more]


Read up on recent meetings on forest health, forest management, forest operations, partnership activities etc. Find out what's new at IUFRO HQ and learn about publication projects, positions, upcoming events and more…[more]


Große Erwartungen an den Wald und die Waldforschung Globaler Bericht sieht Verbesserungsbedarf in der forstlichen Bildung Betriebswirtschaft für die Waldbewirtschaftung der Zukunft Laden...[more]


Read about the All-IUFRO Conference, learn about the Global Forest Education Assessment and other new publications, and find out about recent meetings on topics such as systems analysis, managerial economics, and more…[more]


New report identifies a need for well-trained forest sector workers, entrepreneurs, practitioners, researchers, professionals and policy makers and a well-informed public to maximize the contribution of forests to the SDGS.[more]


Read key messages of the high-level event in celebration of the International Day of Forests 2022 with the theme Forests and Sustainable Production and Consumption.[more]


Read an interview with the Chair of the All-IUFRO Conference Scientific Committee, find reports from a range of IUFRO events, learn about IUFRO's participation in international forums, get updated on upcoming meetings, latest...[more]


The winners of the essay competition related to the webinars on EU Forest Policy that specifically targeted students and young researchers from Ukraine have now been invited to join the All-IUFRO conference in Vienna! More…[more]


Internationale Waldforschungskonferenz im September 2022 in Wien Green Jobs und die Zukunft der Arbeit im Forstsektor Wald und Klimawandel in Europa: Wie passen Holz, Kohlenstoff, Artenvielfalt und Energie unter einen Hut?...[more]


This issue highlights a range of events related to forest restoration in Guatemala, wood quality and non-destructive testing, extension and knowledge exchange, for example, and draws attention to publications, meetings, and more…[more]


IUFRO is pleased to announce that an in-person IUFRO event with hybrid participation will be held in Vienna, Austria, on 21-23 September 2022.[more]


Learn about this initiative of the Private Institute for Research on Climate Change (ICC), the National Forests Institute (INAB) and IUFRO and get to know the South Coast Restoration Network.[more]


The XV World Forestry Congress was hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea in Seoul from 2 to 6 May 2022. Read about many IUFRO activities at the WFC and more…[more]


In 2022, IUFRO will offer three grants of up to EUR 5 000 for Short Scientific Visits specifically for female early-career scientists affiliated with IUFRO member organisations.[more]


This IUFRO Annual Report looks different from previous reports. After a joint message by the IUFRO President and the Executive Director you will find selected activities from Divisions, Task Forces, Special Programmes and...[more]


On Thursday 5 May, the Cameroonian activist Cécile Ndjebet won the CPF Wangari Maathai Forest Champions' Award 2022![more]


This book presents short biographical stories of forest scientists granted with three important awards of IUFRO.[more]


This report revisits the questions examined in the earlier 2012 assessment on REDD+ by the Global Forest Expert Panels initiative (GFEP).[more]


Find out about current activities of the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Program including the launch webinar of the latest global report, find out about recent IUFRO webinars and important upcoming events...[more]


The IUFRO President invites nominations for IUFRO Awards at the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm, Sweden.[more]


On 21 March all eyes were on forests! One of the celebration highlights was the high-level event "Inspire for the Future – The Role of Forests in Ensuring Sustainable Production and Consumption". [more]


21. März - Internationaler Tag des Waldes Junge Forschende brauchen mehr als Fachwissen Wetterextreme, Trockenheit und Borkenkäfer setzen Bäumen zu Laden Sie das PDF herunter: PDF zum Herunterladen Lesen Sie Ausgabe...[more]


Vienna, March 8th, 2022 We are deeply shocked and horrified by the ongoing Russian military assault on the independent sovereign democratic nation of Ukraine, the grave humanitarian crisis that it is creating, and the...[more]


Join a high-level event on forests and sustainable production and consumption on 21 March, International Day of Forests! Read about research on marketing and sustainable production of forest products![more]


Read a summary of the 1st Think Tank held as part of the IUFRO-MONDI Partnership addressing climate change impacts on forests in the Pan-European region and response options for the forest-based sector.[more]


Training workshops and support for scientific exchange through collaborative research and networking activities, for example, are among the cornerstones of IUFRO-SPDC. Read an inspiring interview and more…[more]


The partnership is an important opportunity for IUFRO to share knowledge in support of the XPRIZE Rainforest global competition aimed to enhance the understanding of rainforest biodiversity.[more]


Miembros de la Red Latinoamericana de Derecho Forestal Ambiental presentan información sobre bosques y legislación forestal en 15 países de América Latina en español e inglés.[more]


An IUFRO World Day panel discussion between scientists, practitioners and decision-makers examined forests and wildfire research in the Americas.[more]


IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme proudly announces the launch of the French version of our latest publication, Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An Expanded Policy Brief, on 17 January, 2022.[more]


Le Programme IUFRO des Groupes mondiaux d’experts forestiers (GFEP) a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement le 17 janvier 2022 de la version française de notre dernière publication : Les forêts, les arbres et la diminution de la...[more]


It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of IUFRO past-President Professor Jeff Burley. He will be dearly missed by the IUFRO community, and our heartfelt sympathy goes out to his wife and family. [more]


This report highlights important differences in political, legal, and institutional environments, and the need to recognise opportunities and limitations in the local context when restoring land.[more]


This IUFRO World Day panel discussion provided insights into the science-policy-practice interface for managing forest and water interactions under a changing environment in the Asia-Oceania region.[more]


Do you know the IUFRO Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment? Have you heard about the new FLR learning modules? Are you interested in recent and forthcoming forest research conferences, webinars, publications?...[more]


ITTO and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) have released a free series of learning modules for high-school and university students to guide further understanding on forest landscape restoration...[more]


10 years after the publication of the global assessment report on Biodiversity, Forest Management, and REDD+, IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme is currently preparing a follow-up study to update the latest...[more]


Besides a review of IUFRO World Day, you can find summaries of many other inspiring conferences and webinars, hear from the IFSA interns at IUFRO HQ, and learn about latest publications and upcoming meetings.[more]


On 19 October 2021 four scientists related to the IUFRO network spoke to the press about deforestation, imported deforestation, drivers and possible solutions.[more]


À luz do próximo Dia Internacional de Erradicação da Pobreza, o Programa do Painel Global de Especialistas Florestais (GFEP) da IUFRO lança a versão em português de sua mais recente publicação, Florestas, Árvores e o Alívio da...[more]


In light of the upcoming International Day of Poverty Eradication, IUFRO's Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme launches the Portuguese version of our latest publication, Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa:...[more]


IUFRO World Day – in 24 Stunden virtuell um die Welt! IUFRO World Day – An der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik IUFRO World Day – Wie IUFRO Forschungskarrieren fördert Laden Sie das PDF herunter: PDF zum...[more]


Read an interview with IUFRO President John Parrotta, get updated on the IUFRO World Day preparations, find a series of new publications, interesting meeting reports and upcoming meeting announcement![more]


All interested participants can now register for our upcoming event – the IUFRO World Day on 28-29 September. Join us for this unique worldwide IUFRO Digital Forest Science Forum![more]


The "Guide to Forestry-Based Entrepreneurship", an ambitious "how-to" forest-based guide for use throughout Latin America, is now available in Spanish and English.[more]


IUFRO contributed to a new FAO-led report launched at World Water Week. This comprehensive global publication provides guidance on the contribution of forests for a holistic approach to water resource management. [more]


Newly published article highlights the need for greater integration of forests and trees in development policy. Authors distil five key findings based on the current evidence base.[more]